shotswerefired commented on a list

"My comment was really focused on the matches themselves and the way they operate, not their backstories or the team's cultural affiliations. In Istanbul 2005's case, it doesn't have to be territorial,"
3 months, 1 week ago
shotswerefired posted a video
3 months, 1 week ago
shotswerefired voted for list

3 months, 1 week ago
shotswerefired commented on a list

"Slim pickings if you ask me when it comes to CL final games. For sheer entertainment, Istanbul 2005 will always be a match I can revisit and watch the whole way through unlike the others. Matches whic"
3 months, 1 week ago
shotswerefired posted a video
3 months, 3 weeks ago
shotswerefired posted a video
3 months, 3 weeks ago
shotswerefired commented on a list

"Believe it or not, I was recently acquainted with Carl Weathers............alright, someone who looked like him :P. I mean, it's remarkable how alike he was, not just on a physiognomical level, but he"
3 months, 3 weeks ago